Sunday, May 19, 2013

My Big Family

Straight enter to the topic, Happy 80th Birthday to my ahma!! 福如东海 寿比南山 lù lái lù xiào lián :D

My ahma is considering very happiness bahagia 幸福 because she has a lot of us here for her, that's the wish of every elder 子孙满堂!There are 3 families celebrating birthday there. Look at the old uncle, the one looking at us whom his wife is one of the birthday women. He wished my ahma happy birthday and they talked happily! 

I wonder what my mama is doing. Is she "Rocket, Ubah" or "Satu Malaysia" ? Haha!

 Look at my uncle and aunt. Don't you think they are sweet ? Haha.. I can be the same, SURE!! I must believe in him :)

Aren't we big group? Many people actually envy us because we are the biggest and happiest group of family there celebrating birthday. How joyful !

The red kid, my Cambodia niece ^^

My ahma is giving everyone of us an angpow thank you ahma !!

I am contented to have this family.