Super triple CHOYyyyy to have such dream ==cause me having flood around my eyes until I can even sense I am tearing before waking up! Very tired to update my blog hhhaha.. Busy laaaaaaaa hustle and bustle life.. I have nothing else to share also before I get the pictures from my aunt.
This month I have been carrying on with my event preparation which will be held on next week! Ya.. yes NEXT WEEK!!! Soon to come.. Come lar come larr~~~~~ Hhahaha..
I feel like hanging some of the persons on the fan and whirling them! Yerhkkk!! Kinda angry about the attitudes they are having. Don't want to mention much lar you kepo!
Not to forget, we are having fun too beside working hard for the show!
==I am doing serious job whose hand is that? zzzz So terrifying..
Hhhahaha this is how they play beside me. The hands @@ Like.. those ghost hands from ground. ARH 鸡皮疙瘩 {{{(>_<)}}} I don't like horror movie! ;[
Him? Nola hhhahaa.. I just want to say I miss this kid very much. It had been few days I never see him LIAO so I rather sacrifice my sleeping time and wake up immediately once he comes this morning just to see him! ==sounds like he is my bf. Trololol my bf is DGCH lar okay! I scare he will forget my face because the coming day and today I wont be having chance to see him as by the time I reach home, he has backed home T____T PLUS... the last day I saw him was last Saturday! So long leh cannot tahan hhahha..