Sunday, January 22, 2012

CAC & J.Design 2012 Dragon Annual Dinner

Sudah tapao papers, is time to relax and play !! HAHA.. So yeap, it is the annual dinner again and hope that the growth of Calanthe & Joe Design can be further sustained over the coming years. Huat yea jiayou! ^^


Busy what? We check our KLSE can? XD New year new investment. Haha.. Jk.

Yummeh ! Hungry lio? Don't think so much, eat your reunion dinner ;P 

Quote : This what people say, tak makan tak ape, GAYA mao ade!! Haha..

Slurpppp. What stick is this?

Our new Datuk & Datin ? Hahha.. Employee (she) of the month yeah!! Congratulations..
P/s : Thank you so much sis Bee Yan for taking care of me during KTV session. 
And also to dear for covering me!! you  I will practise the song, next time we dual ya ^^

Happy?! Yes happy..

Semua orang pun happy !! :D

And he never fail to be a good photographer ^^

Pictures more than words. Continue!! This is the time where everybody looks forward whottsS angpow as an encouragement ^^ Oh! Including gifts for those employees whose birthday fall on January and lucky draw session too.. TAHNIAH!!

Illustrating and next step is to distribute presents !!

Lucky drawing ^.~

O.o Yes? You get iPad ? ;D

It's heavy!! Wonder what's inside?

Can't stop laughing Can't sleep tonight.

The Calanthe Family. 继续努力!Haha..

Gong Hei Fat Choy !!

1 comment:

Happy walker said...

lol.. u play KLSE de meh? btw, how much a for the buffet dinner? great that you enjoy~ =D